*** FOURTEEN *** The Starship Javelin slowed as it neared the Neutral Zone, where it took its place ahead of the other cruisers. The Federation Fleet had arrived at the border of the Zone mere hours earlier. Large and small craft alike faced the invisible boundary that had been established as a buffer to prevent war. Small armored fighter craft swarmed and darted about the perimeter of the fleet in battle formation, ready to engage the enemy at a moment's notice. Six Constitution-Class Starships were there with twenty- two destroyers in protective formation around them. The cruiser Javelin readied its weapons and with the rest of the Fleet, it waited. On the bridge of the Javelin, Commodore Stormcloud stood behind the captain's chair, rehearsing in his mind the plans of Garth's war. He knew his part well. He would play himself, 'Stormcloud the Klingon hater'. The idea was his to send the android to destroy Organia, one he was singularly proud of. Garth had said that it was unnecessary. 'Perhaps', thought the Commodore, 'but it would be a shame to have the new empire of the elite delayed or halted by underestimating their place in the equation'. Stormcloud had not always been a man bent on the destruction of the 'Romulan' and 'Klingon' Empires. Once he would have even been pleased to have participated in friendly relations with both empires. That was before the Romulans invaded Federation space three years ago and murdered his wife. Andrea Stormcloud was stationed on Outpost 4 bordering the Romulan Neutral Zone. This particular Zone was established eight decades ago at the end of the 'Hundred Years War', the war between the Romulans and Interplanetary Coalition now known as the UFP. The Outposts there were older battle stations, the forerunners of the ones now guarding the Klingon Zone. They were buried deep within asteroids, moons and planets along the perimeter of Federation space. The Romulans had been silent and had not even come near the Federation for nearly a century, until they decided to test their newly developed weapons on their former adversaries. Stormcloud's wife never saw the enemy who had come to destroy the Outpost. It was the first recorded time that the cloaking device, 'invisibility screen', and Photon Torpedoes had ever been tactically used against the Federation. The Outpost was woefully unprepared for the level of destruction that was wrought upon it. The Romulan ship mercilessly attacked and annihilated his wife's base of operations. None survived. Commodore Stormcloud had died with his wife that day. The man who now stood on the bridge of the Javelin was a dark and angry dark and angry reflection of the man he once was. The only joy he had now was the joy of the enemy's death at hand. Commodore Nathaniel Stormcloud looked down at the Captain of PAGE 93 the Space Cruiser. He did not know if anyone on board the ship would survive the weeks that were in store for them. He almost wished that he could share with Captain Hamill the secret he kept. He had grown to respect the man, but he would not allow himself to form a friendship with him or anyone. He would never again give a hostage to fortune. Not in this universe. Perhaps in the next. "Please establish ship to ships communication, Captain Hamill," Stormcloud requested. The Captain did not turn from the viewscreen. He pointed his thumb over his shoulder and the communications officer understood it as a command. "Channel open, scramble code 3, Sir," the Junior Officer said. "This is Stormcloud. Operation Barrier Reef is now under my command. Our present complement of Starships and Destroyers deployed here are merely the Vanguard of this defensive strategy. More are either on the way, or have already taken positions out of sensor range behind us. We are in the process of recommissioning and rearming much of the old Fleet, but they will not be operational for several weeks." Stormcloud paused to clear his throat. "Although we expect a full frontal assault, the Federation President has ordered me to bridle our forces until invasion is confirmed. Our last intelligence report has Klingon forces amassing directly ahead of our position. In the event of attack, there remains the possibility of them employing the explosive that was used against Outpost DG-13. Lateral warp maneuvers with angular convergence on the enemy will be our safest recourse should the weapon be used." "All communications are to be code-3, scrambled and only essential messages sent. Further detailed briefing will be held at 01:00 hours, this ship. Any questions will be addressed then. Stormcloud out." Stormcloud watched the images of the space fleet on the forward viewer. He watched and waited for a message that was sure to come at any moment. The message would be from a Starbase or spacecraft reporting subspace disturbances caused by an explosion, on or quite near the planet Organia. He did not doubt that the message would come, for time had expired on the little planet. The Enterprise and her crew were a necessary sacrifice for freeing the Federation from the bondage of this imposed benevolence of the Organians. He would not allow himself even the barest regret at the loss of the famous Starship. The Commodore directed his thoughts backwards to the day that lord Garth invited him to join the ranks of the elitist group. Together, with the others who would surely flock to their call, they would purge the galaxy of its factions of anarchy. They would bring the universe out of the hands of the legislators of morality, to the proper rule of lord Garth and the New Masters of the Galaxy. Garth had shown great strength of will and the PAGE 94 singleness of purpose which Stormcloud admired deeply. The man's vision of the future, coupled with the designs and means to achieve it, had been embraced gladly by the Commodore. Now the fulfillment of this vision neared glorious realization. "Captain, I am reading the arrival of a dreadnought at the Klingon boundary." The Javelin's Science Officer cut into the Commodore's meditation. He then immediately updated his report. "I now have seventy-nine targets on the scanner!" he continued. "Three of them are Romulan ships." "This is it," spoke Stormcloud, grimly. "Sound general quarters!" The alarm was ship-wide, and when detected by the other Federation vessels, it instantly went fleet-wide. The Fleet formation was presently defensive, but it was now making preparation to go on the offensive at the Commodore's command. "Have any of the detected targets crossed over the Zone boundary?" Captain Hamill asked the Science Officer. "No, Sir, they are positioned as we are, still holding." "Captain," the communications officer cut in, "I am receiving a message from the Imperial Throneship, the dreadnought, Sir. They wish to approach us. Alone!" "Ask them for their terms, Captain." Stormcloud ordered. "On bridge speakers, Lieutenant," he commanded his Comm Officer. "This is Captain Hamill, of the Star Cruiser Javelin. Who are you and what are the terms you request in order to make your approach?" "This is Imperious Admiral Sorr of the Klingon Empire and we request no terms. We will approach, unarmed and by ourselves. We will make no aggressive moves," the voice responded over the ship's speakers. "His Imperial Highness, lord Mocdar Jek Tromok, wishes to speak to your highest in command. Would that be you, Captain Hamill?" "That would be Commodore Nathanial Stormcloud, representing the United Federation of Planets. He is here and can hear you," the Captain offered the Commodore his seat. Stormcloud sat his large frame in the command seat and waited for the 'new' Emperor, to address him. "This is Emperor Tromok. Do we have your permission for our lone ship to approach the mighty Federation fleet?" "Emperor Tromok, I am Commodore Stormcloud, you have our permission to temporarily enter Federation Space. You may approach our fleet," he stated with authority. "Be aware that we will be intensely scanning your ship as you do so. We will also be watching your own 'mighty fleet', for any movement or aggressive behavior." PAGE 95 "Understood. We are coming now," the Emperor announced. The Thunder broke the Klingonese boundary of the Zone and slowly increased speed to meet the Federation Fleet. Scans from all Federation ships penetrated the lone behemoth as it neared them. No detection of the explosive of Garth's creation, nor any other weapon in active status, could be found. Nevertheless, this knowledge offered little comfort on the bridge of the Javelin. The situation could become explosive at any instant. "Has your scanning equipment given you acceptable readings?" the Emperor queried. The Thunder, still coming, breached the vast distance of the Zone. Stormcloud looked at the science station. The officer there gave him a nod and said, "I detect no active weapons, Sir. Not even the 'one in question'." "They are acceptable," Stormcloud stated, "if not satis- factory. Let us be honest with one another, Emperor Tromok. You could be holding an arsenal aboard your ship, but if it is in an inactive state, it remains undetectable. Therefore I ask you, what is your purpose here? What is so important that you should leave your world, to face us alone and on 'our' side of the Zone?" "Peace, Commodore," the Emperor offered simply. "I am here to extend the hand of peace to all in the Federation." The bridge crew of the Javelin, including Captain Hamill, expressed their astonishment at the announcement. Never before had the Klingon Empire, of its own free will, extended anything but the business end of a disruptor to the Federation. Stormcloud remained unmoved by the declaration. "You offer what you cannot deliver, Emperor Tromok," the Commodore stated flatly. "Is there anything else that you would like to announce before we escort you back to your Empire?" "Yes, Commodore," Tromok announced grandly, "we wish to formally petition the United Federation of Planets for the Klingon Empire's Official entry into the coalition. I request that council be held between the two governing bodies to establish peaceful relations to that end. I believe that according to your Federation regulations, I may not be refused." he said confidently as if reading the directive directly from the Starfleet Manual. The Commodore gave indication of his rage before the ship's crew. He did not want to overplay his role, but if it were not Garth leading the Empire, he would have more than just 'indicated' his rage. "Mr. Land," Captain Hamill addressed his Comm Officer, "break Subspace silence. Advise Starfleet that we are guaranteeing safe passage to the Klingon Emperor to UFP headquarters, Earth, on flight corridor .401 to .402." PAGE 96 "Belay that order!" Stormcloud interrupted and squared himself off against the Captain. "We are not letting this Klingon remain in Federation space for another minute." "Commodore, we are bound by our most fundamental regulations to aid all beings who desire admittance to the Federation. I don't know what the Emperor is up to, but he knows our rules, and we have no choice but to honor them," Captain Hamill said. He was not pleased with his duty, at the moment, but he would not let Stormcloud force him into any corner that would place his 'command' in jeopardy. Stormcloud remained silent for a moment, looking angrily at the unbudging, unflinching Captain. If there was any hesitation about allowing the Klingons into Federation Territory, Stormcloud had effectively driven it out of the Captain. All according to plan. "Emperor Tromok," the Commodore said, "you appear to be quite correct in your interpretation of our regulations. We will provide you with a protected flight corridor and escort to UFP headquarters, as requested." He shot another angry look at the Captain. "We request a demonstration of good faith by making some token gesture, say, having your fleet fall back with all weapons powered down." "I will do that and more," the Emperor boasted. "Does your equipment allow you to distinguish between Klingon and Romulan ship designs?" "It does," spoke Stormcloud. "Then you are able to detect the three Romulan vessels that are currently flanking my fleet?" he asked. "We are aware of them." "Commodore Stormcloud, in a gesture of our promising new friendship, I would like to announce that the Klingon Empire is publicly sanctioning the breaking of ties with the Romulan Empire. We hereby annul all treaties of our former alliance," Tromok stated. The Romulan Birds of Prey broke formation upon hearing the Emperor's proclamation. The ships turned from the fleet and headed away as evasively as their speed would allow. They were closely pursued by nine Klingon battle cruisers. The Romulan warships quickly sent their Empire subspace messages of their betrayal as they attempted their escape. They powered up their aft weaponry but upon seeing the mighty ships behind them, they decided stealth was a better option. However, before the Vulcanoid warships could cloak themselves from their former allies, they were fired upon. Massive blasts of photon energy came at them from behind and they were quickly and mercilessly destroyed. Stormcloud relished the brief taste of revenge at seeing the PAGE 97 three ships vaporize before his eyes. It did not satisfy him, but served well to whet his appetite for more to come. He could imagine seeing Garth smile with another man's face on the bridge of the Thunder. The 'way' was being paved without flaw. With the Romulan Empire insulted and injured by the Klingon Empire, they would surely be preparing for war. The Federation would see this as a distinct threat to themselves and help expedite the alliance with the Klingons. Soon all would be searching for the one who would be able to deliver them from war, and lead them to a 'new age' of peace. Garth was ready to step in and offer the way to all who would hear. His way, his plan. Any opposition would be crushed, not just by Garth himself, but by the fearful and ignorant masses. By the ones who would rather kill than be leaderless, hopeless. The ones who would rather murder for a vision, any vision, than perish without one. Fear and ignorance. The greatest weapons in the Galaxy. Weapons that would, of a surety, be used. "You have an interesting way of cutting through the 'Red Tape' of diplomacy, Emperor Tromok. I hope, for your sake, that this policy does not extend into Federation relations." Stormcloud warned. "My Fleet will stay here to keep yours company," Stormcloud said to the Klingon Ruler. "You will follow this ship to the planet Earth. I will have myself transferred to the Starship Republic. Captain Hamill will be your host and your guide." "We await your ship's lead. Tromok out." The Javelin turned about and set a direct course for the small blue planet in the Sol system. It was followed closely, ominously, by the Klingon juggernaut, Thunder. They were on their way to Earth. Nothing stood in the way. PAGE 98